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Littlegreen Academy

ASDAN Personal & Social Effectiveness

The Personal and Social Effectiveness qualifications support pupils to develop their confidence, wellbeing and personal resilience.  They will help foster a positive mindset and develop their ability to be independent learners who can both take the initiative and work effectively with others.


Pupils will be supported to explore and affirm their strengths and identities, and to empathise with and value the perspectives and contributions of others.


The qualification provides an accessible and motivating curriculum that equips pupils to bring their emotions to learning and discover their passion and purpose.  It builds in practical opportunities for mastery, holding their talents and abilities in high esteem, and supporting their progress in English GCSE – in particular through a focus on building tier 2 vocabulary and reading and writing for meaning.


For pupils to achieve a qualification there must be a successful completion of the following units:

  • Current (2022) Year 11 – ASDAN Level 1 Award in Personal and Social Effectiveness
  • DM1 : Developing myself and my performance
  • WW1 : Working with others
  • PS1 : Problem solving

This will take place over the course of one academic year.


Current Year 10 (2022) – ASDAN Level 2 Certificate in Personal and Social Effectiveness:

  • DM2 : Developing myself and my performance
  • WW2 : Working with others
  • PS2 : Problem solving

This will take place over the course of two academic years.


There is a Long Term Plan that shows which units are being taught in which term and by whom.

The Year 11 pupils are timetabled for ASDAN PSE twice a week.

The Year 10 pupils are timetabled for ASDAN PSE once a week.


The key building blocks of personal effectiveness are the ability to communicate and collaborate and be emotionally intelligent.  These building blocks will support pupils to develop the knowledge, skills, values and attributes of personal and social effectiveness.


Pupils will be assessed on how they develop the ability to:

  • Understand and develop themselves and their own performance
  • Work with others in teams
  • Develop and use problem solving skills


The award allows for many opportunities to study and gather evidence in the ‘real world’.  There are a range of places to visit such as shops, libraries, sports centres, supermarkets, sporting events and museums which will fit into the different units and allow for a broader range of learning and social interaction opportunities.