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Littlegreen Academy

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum has been carefully designed to meet the needs of all pupils at Littlegreen Academy.

Our curriculum ensures that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced education that’s exciting and stimulating, which ignites a lifelong love of learning. We challenge all pupils to excel in all aspects of their learning through carefully mapped out subject plans that build on our pupils’ prior knowledge and skills. That they have the required knowledge, skills and accreditation to be confident in their transition to the next stage in their education when leaving Littlegreen Academy.

Through carefully selected topics the curriculum is designed to engage pupils and develop their interests, providing a range of experiences in the wider community, enhancing their cultural capital. Through our strong emphasis on thematic learning we aim to compensate for any disadvantage that our pupils may be experiencing

Our curriculum is ambitious, our intent is that all pupils will leave Littlegreen Academy with the social and emotional skills required to become emotionally resilient, intrinsically motivated adults skilled in communication and relationships. Our curriculum provides opportunities to teach pupils how to ‘feel and deal’ with their emotions so that they are healthy and happy citizens, that contribute positively to their communities.

KS2 Curriculum

Our intent for the Key Stage 2 curriculum is that pupils are re-engaged with a love of learning, that they develop their confidence and self-esteem so that they are motivated to learn and take pride in their achievements. There is a strong emphasis on becoming increasingly self-aware and extending their emotional vocabulary through the Zones of Regulation curriculum. 

KS3 Curriculum

Our intent for the Key Stage 3 curriculum is that pupils will better understand themselves and develop their interests, raising aspirations so that they are fully engaged in the process of exploring future opportunities. That the curriculum scaffolds pupils in their journey towards independence with an emphasis on life skills and their personal and social development. 

KS4 Curriculum

Our intent for the Key Stage 4 curriculum is that all pupils will be fully prepared for their transition to post 16 provision as a purposeful destination, through a personalised pathway tracked through the Gatsby benchmark. Supporting them in elevating their self-esteem, constructing their own identity as young adults so that they then have the confidence to be fully independent and engage positively in society. 


Our Curriculum Principles                                                                      

The curriculum is designed so that it:

  • Encourages and enables pupils to express preferences, communicate needs, make choices, make decisions and choose options that other people act on and respect
  • Is sequenced according to pupils’ individual needs, their starting pints and their long term goals
  • Develops enjoyment of learning, using a creative approach, encouraging high levels of achievement and attainment
  • Is delivered within a climate for learning that is positive, stimulating, challenging, motivating, rewarding, fun/enjoyable
  • Enables pupils to interact and communicate effectively with a wide range of people
  • Recognises and encourages individual talents; having the highest expectations of each pupil through personalised learning programmes linked to their Education, Health and Care Plans
  • Increases pupils’ awareness and understanding of their environment and the world
  • Develops personal self-confidence and self-esteem based on a variety of successful experiences
  • Prepares pupils to play an active role as citizens; developing a healthy, safe lifestyle; developing good relationships and respecting differences between people
  • Prepares pupils for an adult life in which they have the greatest possible degree of autonomy.

 Please read the documents outlining our implementation of the curriculum and its impact in order to gain a complete overview of learning at Littlegreen.

If you would like to discuss the curriculum further, please contact the school admin office on 02392 631259.

Curriculum Documents