Food Studies
Food Technology at Littlegreen aims to support the students develop this important life skill and enable both independence and career opportunities.
Pupils will understand and apply the principles of nutrition to cook healthy and nutritious dishes for themselves, family, and friends. They will understand about source and seasonality of foods, gaining sensory experiences from trying new foods and foods from different cultures.
They will become competent in using a range of equipment, a variety of cooking techniques, and develop an increasingly broad skills base.
Pupils will have the opportunity to work collaboratively and share their food, building relationships and resilience through feedback. They will know what it feels like to succeed as they begin to produce dishes, they are proud of and see others enjoy.
They will know that they are always welcome and will find help and support whenever they need it.
There is a need of understanding from growth to table: pupils need to understand how food is produced and to encourage recycling, how items can be reused.
By the time they leave
Pupils will be able to make healthy lifestyle choices. To give them the skills to cook independently, safely and hygienically. To be able to reflect and review their products and develop an appreciation of a variety of tastes. textures and flavours. To understand about dietary needs. To consider the origins of our food and promote the use of fresh local produce. To gain an understanding of costs and ways to reduce waste when cooking. To have fun and enjoy sharing food with others. By the time they leave Littlegreen Academy pupils will be able to gain a level 1 accreditation in Home Cooking Skills.
Why do we Teach it
Basic skills for life, health and well-being. To encourage independence. To develop work skills. To develop a passion or past time. To understand the world around them and that their choices have an impact and consequence.
When and How is it delivered?
Currently Key Stage’s 3 and 4 enjoy a double lesson on a weekly basis as a whole class group. A recipe is offered to them, if they do not like the suggested dish, they are encouraged to adapt it to their liking. Key Stage 4 curriculum offers an option for a Technical Skills Day at Chichester College, providing an opportunity for pupils to gain a City & Guilds Certificate in an Introduction to the Hospitality Industry.
Food Studies
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