Teaching and Learning
High Quality Learning and Teaching
Littlegreen Academy is committed to providing an outstanding education for our pupils. Our staff work hard to create a creative learning environment where pupils enjoy their lessons, participate actively and achieve their best. Staff are also learners and continuously evaluate and improve their practice using our coaching model of “coaching 3s”. Their learning is facilitated through the comprehensive school continuing professional development programme.
The Learning and Teaching process:
- Encourages and enables pupils to express preferences, communicate needs, make choices, make decisions and choose options that other people act on and respect
- Develops enjoyment of learning, using a creative approach, encouraging high levels of achievement and attainment
- Encourages pupils to investigate and explore and to try new things
- Enables pupils to interact and communicate with a wide range of people
- Recognises and encourages individual talents; having the highest expectations of each pupil through personalised learning programmes
- Increases pupils’ awareness and understanding of their environment and the world
- Develops personal self-confidence and self-esteem based on a variety of successful experiences
- Prepares pupils to play an active role as citizens; developing a healthy, safe lifestyle; developing good relationships and respecting differences between people
- Prepares pupils for secondary school in which they have the greatest possible degree of autonomy
All our pupils are taught within small, mixed year, needs led groups for much of the time. The needs led provision includes specialist classes that support children with complex autism. However, there is a strong focus on our whole school ethos and pupils have many opportunities to learn together with their peers regardless of need and/or age through themed days and weeks, whole school performances, assemblies etc.
Work is differentiated and personalised; adapted, not only to meet the child’s specific learning difficulties but their personal learning style, as well as ability. Pupil progress is regularly reviewed and interventions put in place to ensure maximum progress for all.
Additional support to compliment teaching and learning and ensure maximum pupil progress is provided through a wide range of educational and health professionals including Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Sensory Integration specialists, educational psychologists, CAMHS and the School Nursing Service. These professionals provide an advisory input for class staff as well as practical sessions with pupils.
We encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own learning and to be involved in reviewing their own learning as far as possible. This process is supported during lessons and learning activities as well as in Reflection and Review time at the end of most school days.
Learning Teaching