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Littlegreen Academy

Religious Education

At Littlegreen Academy we realise that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve.

We aim to provide an education that provides pupils with opportunities to explore and develop their own values, beliefs and spiritual awareness; high standards of personal behaviour; a positive caring attitude towards other people; understanding their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of the culture.

Our RE curriculum is taught through the embedding our whole school values, themed days, assemblies and skills progression outlined in the example below and linked to topic lessons, such as:

All About ME! (spring term)

Beliefs and teachings (from various religions)

Time to reflect & personal growth

Values (in your life and other lives)

Bands, Beats and Boogie (summer term)

How beliefs are expressed

Rituals, ceremonies & lifestyles (from various religions)

Term Value Focus Skills Progression Link
Autumn 1 Kindness The Golden Rule Beliefs & teachings (from various religions)
Autumn 2 Courageous Rites of Passage Rituals, ceremonies & lifestyles
Spring 1 Acceptance Prejudice & Discrimination Beliefs & teachings (from various religions)
Spring 2 Ambitious Religion & Science Beliefs & teachings (from various religions)
Summer 1 Perseverance The Environment (stewardship) Time to reflect & personal growth
Summer 2 Values & Reflection What is a festival? How beliefs are expressed


RE Day Autumn 2021